Created : Nov. 24, 2023 Updated : Nov. 24, 2023.
Skyline crypto Guide

Scyline Crypto Guide for Profitable and Secure Crypto Trading:

1.    Registration:
•    To engage in trading, go to the "Registration" section and provide your email address and create a password.
•    After registration, email verification is required. Alternatively, you can create an account using Telegram, eliminating the need for email verification.
2.    Personal Panel (Dashboard):
•    The Personal Panel includes sections such as the control panel, account settings, wallet, and referral/affiliate program.
•    The control panel displays a page where you can view all your crypto transactions, ads, available balance, and trading volume.
3.    Account Settings:
•    In the "Account Settings" section, users can adjust preferences and security settings, including two-factor authentication and transaction notifications.
4.    How to Buy Crypto:
•    Navigate to the "How to Buy Crypto" section to find instructions on selecting a suitable ad, conducting the transaction, and making the payment.
•    Exercise caution and follow the instructions carefully for a successful purchase.
5.    How to Sell Crypto:
•    Similarly, the "How to Sell Crypto" section provides guidance on creating a sales ad, selecting a suitable buyer, and completing a successful transaction.
6.    Identity Verification:
•    To enhance security and trust on the platform, it is recommended to undergo the identity verification process, which involves confirming your identity to prevent fraud.
7.    Safety Trading Tips:
•    The "Safety Trading Tips" page offers advice on securing your account, preventing fraud, and protecting against potential threats.
8.    Fees:
•    There are two types of fees on Bitpapa: network and processing fees for withdrawing coins to external addresses and transaction fees charged to ad creators.
•    Check the current fee rates in the "Service and Network Fees" section.
9.    Payment Methods:
•    Learn about the available payment methods on the platform and choose the most suitable and convenient method for your transactions.
10.    Creating Ads:
•    Visit the "Create Ad" page to learn how to create your own cryptocurrency buying or selling ad and attract potential transactions.
11.    Anonymous Transactions:
•    Bitpapa allows for anonymous transactions. Familiarize yourself with the rules and features of this process before using it.
12.    Consensus and Appeals:
•    In case of disputes between users, consensus or appeal methods can be employed. Learn about the dispute resolution procedures on the Bitpapa platform.
Registration on the Platform:
•    To engage in trading activities, visit the "Registration" section and provide your email address, create a password.
•    After registration, email verification is required. Additionally, you can create an account via Telegram, which eliminates the need for email verification.


2.    Personal Account:

•    The personal account consists of several sections: the control panel, account settings, wallet, and the referral/affiliate program.
•    Control Panel (Dashboard): This is your personal account page where you can view your cryptocurrency transactions, ads, available balance, and trading volume. From this section, you can create a new ad, withdraw your cryptocurrencies, and generate an address for receiving funds.
•    "My Current Transactions" Subsection: Here, you can find a list of completed, canceled, and active transactions. The list can be filtered based on the type, status, and cryptocurrency involved.
•    "My Ads" Subsection: This section includes a list of your ads. You can filter ads based on their status, type (buy/sell), and cryptocurrency. You can also open or close specific types of ads. By clicking the "Options" button, you can disable a specific ad, go to the editing page, or copy the link to your ad.

3.    Account Settings:

•    Before getting started, check the following options in your profile:
•    Leave information about yourself: You can change the automatically assigned username before making your first transaction. You can also add a short description (up to 200 characters).
•    Verify your identity and phone number.
•    Connect your Telegram account: This allows you to receive transaction notifications and engage in messaging within the application.
Your profile also displays information such as transaction volume, transaction count, registration date, first transaction date, feedback, reputation, and average response time in transactions.


4  How to Buy Cryptocurrency:


To buy cryptocurrency, select the "Buy" section from the top menu on any page at Bitpapa. All ads on Bitpapa are categorized into "Buy" and "Sell." There are two ways to find the relevant ad: by reviewing all offers or by filtering based on criteria:
•    Cryptocurrency type (BTC, ETH, Tether).
•    Transaction amount in fiat currency (ruble, dollar, euro, etc.).
•    Country.
•    Payment method.
•    Status filter (online, phone number verified, verified profile).
You can sort search results by criteria such as increasing or decreasing exchange rates, user ratings, and more. When you find a suitable ad, click the "Buy" button. Pay attention to the "Terms" section, which contains additional information specified by the seller. If the terms are not suitable for you, find another ad. If the seller's conditions are not in violation of trading rules, when the buyer initiates the transaction, they are considered to have accepted the seller's conditions by default.
Specify how much cryptocurrency you want to buy. You can determine the amount in rubles, and it will be automatically converted into the cryptocurrency. Click the "Send Request to Seller" button.
After sending a request to the seller, verify payment details in the transaction chat. Transfer funds to the seller's account according to the transaction conditions and be sure to confirm the payment on the transaction page by clicking the "Payment Made" button.
It is prohibited to negotiate with sellers. If you are not satisfied with your transaction rate due to sudden changes in the cryptocurrency market, you should cancel the transaction and open a new one based on the current rate.
Sharing any contact information through the transaction chat is prohibited.
After marking that you have made the payment, the seller's cryptocurrencies will be blocked in a secure Escrow account and will remain there until the seller completes the transaction. Once the transaction is completed, the cryptocurrencies will be transferred to your Bitpapa balance.
If you send only a partial amount, an agreement between both parties is required. Either you need to send the missing amount in a separate transfer, or the seller must refund an unsatisfactory transfer.
If you have not mistakenly provided the required explanation or made the payment with a single transaction (as specified in the ad terms), and this situation does not satisfy the seller, a refund of the sent amount and cancellation of the transaction through Bitpapa support are necessary.
After making the payment and marking the transaction as "Payment Made," wait for the seller to release the cryptocurrency from escrow. If the seller does not release the cryptocurrency within a specific period, click the "Need Help?" button and wait for the support team's response.
At this stage, since the required amount of cryptocurrency is already blocked in the seller's balance for any reason, if the seller does not release the cryptocurrency, the support team can complete the transaction.
Once the transaction is completed, the purchased cryptocurrencies will be added to your Bitpapa wallet and can be sent to desired addresses.
Don't forget to share a review about the seller after the transaction ends. This will help other users understand how responsibly the seller approaches transactions.


5.    How to Sell Cryptocurrency:


To sell cryptocurrency, you first need to have the cryptocurrency in your Bitpapa account balance. If you want to add funds to your wallet from another service, go to your account and click the "Deposit" button.
Copy the address on the opened page and send the cryptocurrency to this address from other services or wallets. Once your coins are transferred to your Bitpapa balance, you will receive a successful transaction notification. Then go to the "Sell" section in your account.
Each ad includes information about the buyer, their status, feedback, rates, transaction limits, and payment methods. You can filter ads based on criteria such as rate, seller's status, and transaction amount. Choose a suitable offer and click the "Sell" button. Pay attention to the "Terms" section on the opened transaction page. This section contains additional information provided by the buyer. If the terms are not suitable for you, find another ad. If the buyer's conditions are not in violation of trading rules, when the seller initiates the transaction, you are considered to have accepted the buyer's conditions by default.
Communication of any contact information through ad terms or the transaction chat is prohibited. Specify how much cryptocurrency you want to sell within the buyer's limits. You can determine the transaction amount in fiat currency and it will be automatically converted into the cryptocurrency mentioned in the buyer's ad. Click the "Send Request to Buyer" button. Users are not allowed to request any additional commissions. The transaction amount is final and should include all possible domestic and regional transfer fees. Meanwhile, the buyer must use only the payment method specified in their ad. When the buyer ignores the terms, the seller has the right to open a dispute and can choose not to proceed with the transaction.
The payment time given is the time during which the buyer must send the payment to the seller's account. The payment time is determined when the buyer creates the ad. The required amount of cryptocurrency for the transaction is deducted from your account and blocked in the Bitpapa Escrow account. Once the buyer reports making the payment, you will have the option to release the cryptocurrency from Escrow.
After the release of the cryptocurrency, it will immediately go into the buyer's balance and become available for any transactions. Use the internal chat to communicate with the buyer. When the buyer makes a payment to the account details you provided, they will mark the transaction as "Paid." Ensure that you have received the payment and click the "Release Cryptocurrency" button.
Don't forget to share a review about the buyer after the transaction is completed. This will help other users understand how responsibly the buyer approaches transactions.
Note: Never complete a transaction without receiving actual payment. No argument, urgency, or even checks sent claiming payment should force you to release your funds. Verify whether the payment sent to the account details provided by the buyer has actually occurred. Only press the "Release Cryptocurrency" button after confirming the receipt of the payment.


6.    Identity Verification:


Identity verification is not mandatory on Scyline Crypto, and an unverified profile does not impose any restrictions. However, a profile with the "Verified" label may be perceived as more trustworthy by other users and provides access to certain platform features available only to verified users.
To obtain the "Verified" label, follow these steps:
1.    Go to Account Settings.
2.    Navigate to the Security section.
3.    Click on the Identity Verification tab and press the "Start Verification" button to initiate the verification process. In the opened form, select the issuing country and type of the document, upload a photo of the document, and take a selfie.
If the provided photos meet all the requirements, your account status will be changed to "Verified," and this process is usually completed within 48 hours.
In some payment methods, users can optionally undergo additional identity verification within a private chat during the transaction. Typically, documents requested for identity verification may include a scanned copy of the document, a selfie with the document, or proof of the transfer made with a payment card.
All screenshots shared in the transaction chat have a watermark containing the Bitpapa logo, preventing the use of documents or photos elsewhere.

7.    Tips for Secure Transactions:


To trade securely on Scyline Crypto, adhere to the following security guidelines:
•    Communicate with the buyer or seller through the transaction chat on Bitpapa.
•    Do not conduct transactions outside of Bitpapa.
•    Familiarize yourself with basic fraud methods in P2P trading.
•    Do not transfer your assets before receiving payment when selling cryptocurrency.
•    Beware of scammers on social media and messaging apps.
•    Ensure the security of your account by enabling two-factor authentication (2FA).
•    Specify the anti-phishing word.
•    Complete identity verification. If you lose access to your account, you can easily regain it by going through the identity verification process again. Moreover, a verified profile instills more trust among traders.
•    Verify your phone number. Users with a verified phone number may see more cryptocurrency purchase ads. Some sellers may require a verified phone number in certain ads because this feature helps reduce the risk of fraud during cryptocurrency purchases. Sellers, in the meantime, will not see your phone number.
You can follow these steps in the "Account Settings -> Security" section to enhance your account security.


8.    Commissions:


There are two types of commissions on Scyline Crypto:
•    Network and processing commission for withdrawing cryptocurrency to external addresses.
•    Transaction commission charged by creators of ads.
You can access the current commission rates in the "Service and Network Commissions" section.

9.    Payment Methods:


Scyline Crypto currently supports various payment methods, including Sberbank, Tinkoff, Yandex Money, QIWI, Post Bank, Payeer RUB, Gazprombank, Raiffeisen, Sovcombank, VTB, Alfa-Bank, TBC Bank, UniCredit Bank, card2card, Revolut, WeChat, and many others.

10.    How to Publish a Cryptocurrency Buying/Selling Ad:


To publish a cryptocurrency buying or selling ad, follow these steps:
•    Log in to your account and click on the "+Create Ad" button.
•    Specify the basic parameters of your ad: type (buy or sell), cryptocurrency, country, payment currency, and the display time of your ad.
•    Cryptocurrency buying ads become active when your wallet balance is at least 0.0003 BTC, 0.005 ETH, or 10 USDT/Tether. If you have a lower balance, the ads are disabled and hidden from searches. Selling ads become active when your balance equals or exceeds the minimum limit set for your ad.
•    Set the ad price. The price can be "fixed," indicating a margin with the average market price, or it can be formulated. Read the details on how to create the ad price.
•    In the final step of your ad creation, you need to specify the appropriate payment method.
•    Then, indicate the minimum and maximum amount you are willing to accept or send for a transaction. Specify any requirements for the buyer and transaction conditions.
•    The "Payment Window" denotes the time frame within which the buyer must make the payment based on the information provided by the ad creator. During this time, the price is fixed, and the funds are held in escrow (funds held by the platform that are inaccessible to the seller).
•    Lastly, write a description containing the transaction conditions and any important information relevant to your ad.
That's it! Click on the "Publish Ad" button, and your ad will appear in Bitpapa's general ad list within 5 minutes. If you cancel three ads in a row, your ads will be automatically disabled.
Note: As a buyer or seller, sharing any contact information in the ad form or transaction chat is prohibited. Always check if the payment from the buyer has been credited to your account before withdrawing cryptocurrency from the Automatic Escrow account.


11.    Anonymous Transaction:


You can buy cryptocurrency without registering or confirming your email address by following these steps:
•    Click on the "Try Anonymous Trade" link at the bottom of the homepage.
•    Go to the section with trade offers. Select a suitable offer and click the "Buy" button.
•    Check the seller's feedback on previous transactions, specify the transaction conditions, and enter the amount of cryptocurrency you want to buy.
•    Enter the wallet address where you want to receive Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), or Tether (USDT).
•    Verify the transaction amount in fiat currency and cryptocurrency. Click on the "Send Request to Seller" button.
•    The specified amount of cryptocurrency will be deducted from the seller's balance and locked in the Escrow account for the duration specified by the seller. During this time, initiate the transfer to the seller's account details and click the "Payment Made" button.
•    Once the seller confirms receiving your payment and releases the cryptocurrency from the deposit, the transaction will be queued for sending to the specified address.
•    Within a few minutes, the system will provide a hash (txid) to track the transaction.

12.    Resolution and Disputes:

•    Support requests and disputes are handled sequentially. Sending messages before an employee responds does not expedite the response time; instead, it may slow down the process as new messages are queued.
•    If one party does not respond within 10 hours during a dispute review, the arbiter may make a decision without considering that party's perspective.
•    If the seller does not provide account information to the buyer for payment before the payment deadline, the transaction can be canceled. Contact the support team and provide the transaction ID for cancellation.
•    Payment information should only be communicated through the transaction chat. In each transaction, payment details must be sent during the dispute review.
•    During a dispute review, the arbiter may request any evidence from both parties. Screenshots and photos are generally not accepted as evidence, and the arbiter has the right to request a video recording in accordance with their instructions.
•    Violation of trading rules can lead to disabling the ability to place ads or account closure.

Wishing you success and profitable transactions with reliable trading partners!